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Map of consular offices in the mainland, French colonial empire and overseas territories, 1926

Map illustrating our presentation : « Foreign Consulates and Consular Agents in France in the 20th Century. An ongoing survey to explore consular networks’ contemporary history’, at « Diplomacy situated: settings, personas, practices- 5th Conference of the NDH Network », Turku, 25th-27th May, 2023.

Map of consular offices in the mainland, French colonial empire and overseas territories, 1926. Circles are proportional to the number of consular offices of each country.

Maps of foreign consular offices in France in 1926 and 2014

Maps illustrating our presentation : « Foreign Consulates and Consular Agents in France in the 20th Century. An ongoing survey to explore consular networks’ contemporary history’, at « Diplomacy situated: settings, personas, practices- 5th Conference of the NDH Network », Turku, 25th-27th May, 2023.

Maps of foreign consular offices in France in 1926 and 2014. Only cities with 6 consular offices or more are named on the map.

Countries accrediting consular offices in France, from 1901 to 2014

Maps illustrating our presentation : « Foreign Consulates and Consular Agents in France in the 20th Century. An ongoing survey to explore consular networks’ contemporary history’, at « Diplomacy situated: settings, personas, practices- 5th Conference of the NDH Network », Turku, 25th-27th May, 2023.

Maps of countries accrediting consular offices in France, from 1901 to 2014. Circles are proportional to the number of consular offices of each country.